
Prove it: discrimination by the back door

Prove it: discrimination by the back door

EmployAbility is using its platform to draw attention to the common practice of employers requesting that neurodiverse candidates provide medical evidence of their condition, before being provided with adjustments in the recruitment process. Our aims are threefold....

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EmployAbility on EmployAble Me

EmployAbility on EmployAble Me

Earlier this year we were delighted to be contacted by the BBC about taking part in series two of Employable Me. The series aims to show how having a neurological condition – like autism or Tourette’s –  or a physical disability doesn’t make someone unemployable....

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J.P. Morgan EmployAbility Insight Day – September 2017

J.P. Morgan EmployAbility Insight Day – September 2017

EmployAbility was delighted to hold the second J.P. Morgan Insight day on 22nd September. Aimed at providing talented disabled students and graduates with the opportunity to meet J.P. Morgan employees from across the firm, it was an essential event for anyone...

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Accenture Women in Consulting Insight Day – September 2017

Accenture Women in Consulting Insight Day – September 2017

EmployAbility was delighted to join with Accenture to present their Accenture’s Women in Consulting Insight Day at their London office. The event was part of a series of insight days designed to promote their Consulting programme, which has start dates from January...

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Visiting a Careers Fair – 10 Top Tips!

Visiting a Careers Fair – 10 Top Tips!

Visiting a careers fair is a fantastic step towards finding your first graduate job, but it can be a tad overwhelming if you aren’t clear about what you hope to gain from your day. It will probably be the first time you meet recruiters face-to-face, so it is very...

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Equality in Higher Education

A recent report published by the Equality Challenge Unit, gives an encouraging insight into the progress being made by higher education institutions over recent years with regard to equality legislation and best practice. The number of staff and students who feel able...

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