We are delighted to announce the winners of the Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2018. The scholarship programme was first launched in Europe in 2010. As part of its ongoing commitment to advancing computing and technology, Google partners with...

My EmployAbility – Anna Kuosmanen
How did you find out about EmployAbility and the Google Scholarship for Students with Disabilities? When I was an undergrad working as a research assistant, one of the postdocs in the group told me about Google Anita Borg Scholarship. When I was applying for that, I...
Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2017 – The Winners!
We are delighted to announce the winners of the Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2017. The scholarship programme was first launched in Europe in 2010. As part of its ongoing commitment to advancing computing and technology, Google partners with...
Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2015 – The Winners!
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2015. The scholarship programme was first launched in the US and Canada in 2009, and successfully expanded in to Europe in 2010. As part of its ongoing commitment...
Congratulations to this year’s Google EMEA Students with Disabilities Scholars – April 2014
We are delighted to announce the winners of the Google EMEA Students with Disabilities Scholarships 2014. Google, in partnershhip with EmployAbility, as part of their ongoing commitment to advancing computing and technology, provide scholarships to encourage disabled students to excel in their studies and become active role models and leaders.