Welcome to our New Brand
Here at EmployAbility we have been busy creating our new brand story and with this comes our fab new logo, colors and style. We hope you like it.
Like many organisations out there we have been doing our thing for a long time, building up wonderful partners, staff and of course placements. Yet our positioning and direction had evolved too. 2020 was the time to take stock.
Our new Logo
Is bright, clean, clear and a bit clever. And our colours reflect the fact that we are both about people and about companies. We are not a recruitment agency but much more about helping big companies to understand how to work with everyone.

Helping Next Generation Inclusive Thinkers

Open, Clean, Clear, Inclusive & angular.
The font we have chose for all of our comms is Euclid B, which is available to buy online here.
Design and creation of our website is by Sam Collett and the team at Practically.io. Logo is by Alexandru Serbanica, a 3rd year graphic design student at University of Worcester.