Our Founder and CEO, Tab Ahmad Ahmad OBE, was delighted to attend the inaugural Diversity Network Award as a judge, and to present the EmployAbility Network Unsung Hero of the Year award. "Events like this emphasise that inclusion and equity isn’t just a nice to have,...

Tab Ahmad receives an OBE for work at EmployAbility
We are thrilled to announce that our Founder and CEO, Tab Ahmad, has been awarded an OBE in the King’s Birthday Honours, for her services to inclusive access to employment for neurodivergent and disabled young people.I am incredibly grateful to have received an OBE in...
Tab Ahmad Talks to BBC News About Adjustments
Our CEO, Tab Ahmad, was talking to the BBC about the need for adjustments for people with neurodivergence or disabilities need to be “individualised” after John Lewis and Waitrose decided to allow all applicants to see the interview questions beforehand. When asked...
Tab Ahmad on BBC Radio 5 live Wake Up to Money
Our CEO, Tab Ahmad, was on Radio 5’s Wake up to Money from the 5 April 2023, talking about flexible working, listen to the discussion below. Ticked Off by BBC Wake Up to Money | BBC Radio 5 live - 5 April 2024
Creating a truly neurodivergent and disability-inclusive workplace
Our CEO talking to CTO Craft about how tech and other companies can create a culture of belonging for all by prioritising equity. CTO Craft works with CTOs, engineering managers, teams and entire businesses to build strategy and leadership skills through organised and...
On IDPWD, hear from one of our Campus Brand Ambassadors
The help and advice EmployAbility has provided me in making the first few steps of my career has been invaluable. It was only during the one-day event with J.P. Morgan that I became confident about disclosing my learning disability as part of the recruitment cycle....
EmployAbility at the Google EMEA Disability Conference 2021
We at EmployAbility were so excited to be part of the first Google Disability Conference (Google DisCo). Watch our CEO & Founder Tab Ahmad speak to Meg Stanger, a recruiter at Google, to discuss how EmployAbility supports Google candidates who would like to request...
Tab Ahmad appearance on BBC Radio 5 live Wake Up to Money
Our CEO, Tab Ahmad, was on Radio 5’s Wake up to Money from the 14 April 2021, talking about what employers can do to create a culture of belonging, in the context of remote working and the “right to disconnect” listen to the discussion below.
How I escaped the darkness of panic attacks
What does a panic attack feel like? No two people would give exactly the same answer, and the intensity of attacks can vary. But for me, the simple answer is ‘terrifying’. It is being convinced I am about to have a heart attack, or drop dead from a brain haemorrhage...
Mental health: People working through the pandemic require a softer management style
Tab AhmadEmployers need to be aware that employees with mental health conditions face additional risks when working from home, says EmployAbility CEO Tab AhmadPhoto by Lisa Fotios from PexelsIt is easy to assume that people who sometimes struggle in an office-based...
Even my team didn’t know I had a disability
As CEO of EmployAbility, Tab Ahmad helps bring down barriers to employment for graduates with neurodiversities, mental health issues and disabilities. But for years she coped alone with disabling panic attacksWhen Tab Ahmad founded EmployAbility in 2006, she had a...
2020: Celebrating the positives
It goes without saying that 2020 has been a year like no other. For many, notably those with mental health conditions, the challenges can seem overwhelming. And for disabled people already struggling to gain barrier-free access to employment in a ferociously...
Next Generation Inclusive Employer Bird & Bird talks about our partnership
Next Generation Inclusive Employer Google shows commitment to inclusion
A message from the FCA: A Next Generation Inclusive Employer on International Day of Persons with Disabilities
The FCA: A Next Generation Inclusive Employer won at the RIDI awards
Prove it: discrimination by the back door
EmployAbility is using its platform to draw attention to the common practice of employers requesting that neurodiverse candidates provide medical evidence of their condition, before being provided with adjustments in the recruitment process. Our aims are threefold....
How EmployAbility Participated in the International Day of Disabled Persons
Next Generation Inclusive Employers: Google
We are so proud to have Google as a Next Generation Inclusive Employer. As part of this, we had amazingly engaged Googlers join us from their EMEA and APAC offices. Here's what one of them had to say...
Bird & Bird Mental Health & Wellbeing Training for new trainees – September 2020
Mental health has always been of fundamental importance, and on the agenda for companies. With remote working, this has become even more of a priority. EmployAbility ran a session with practical advice for Bird & Bird’s new trainees, highlighting resources, issues and...
Overcoming the Hidden Barriers of Work – UoN Business, Management and Leadership Society
The University of Nottingham Business, Management & Leadership Society at University of Nottingham, partnering with EmployAbility, recently held a panel event on "Overcoming the Hidden Barriers of Work". Featuring the Tab Ahmad, Amy Donlevey and Christopher Dowling,...
Internships & graduate programmes at the FCA
EmployAbility was delighted to co-host the first virtual FCA Insight Day this month. The FCA’s ongoing commitment to the values of equal access and an adapted workplace which nurtures belonging. The insight day gave attendees the chance to understand more about the...
Welcome to Our New Branding
Here at EmployAbility we have been busy creating our new brand story and with this comes our fab new logo, colors and style. We hope you like it. Like many organisations out there we have been doing our thing for a long time, building up wonderful partners, staff and...
EmployAbility Wins Disability-Smart People’s Choice Award
EmployAbility is incredibly proud to have won the first ever Business Disability Forum, Disability-Smart People’s Choice Award. This is a new category, and all nominations were made by disabled people who were asked to “choose their champion” of accessibility and good...
Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2018 – The Winners!
We are delighted to announce the winners of the Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2018. The scholarship programme was first launched in Europe in 2010. As part of its ongoing commitment to advancing computing and technology, Google partners with...
EmployAbility on EmployAble Me
Earlier this year we were delighted to be contacted by the BBC about taking part in series two of Employable Me. The series aims to show how having a neurological condition – like autism or Tourette’s – or a physical disability doesn’t make someone unemployable....
J.P. Morgan EmployAbility Insight Day – September 2017
EmployAbility was delighted to hold the second J.P. Morgan Insight day on 22nd September. Aimed at providing talented disabled students and graduates with the opportunity to meet J.P. Morgan employees from across the firm, it was an essential event for anyone...
Students and Self Care – Protecting Mental Health At University
The Higher Education Statistics Agency recently announced that that dropout rates from university – with mental health as the cause – have more than tripled since 2009. With almost half a million students starting university this autumn, ensuring that there is support...
Six Top Tips For: Mental Health Self Care at University
Whether you’ve got a mental health condition or you’re having a hard time adjusting to a new environment, here’s our top tips for mental health self care at university.
Accenture Women in Consulting Insight Day – September 2017
EmployAbility was delighted to join with Accenture to present their Accenture’s Women in Consulting Insight Day at their London office. The event was part of a series of insight days designed to promote their Consulting programme, which has start dates from January...
Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2017 – The Winners!
We are delighted to announce the winners of the Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2017. The scholarship programme was first launched in Europe in 2010. As part of its ongoing commitment to advancing computing and technology, Google partners with...
Kick-start your job hunt at a careers fair
Going to a careers fair can be a great way to fast-track your graduate job hunt. They offer you a unique opportunity to meet recruiters face-to-face, get a real feel for what it might be like to work for a range of companies and ask for insider advice on completing a...
Visiting a Careers Fair – 10 Top Tips!
Visiting a careers fair is a fantastic step towards finding your first graduate job, but it can be a tad overwhelming if you aren’t clear about what you hope to gain from your day. It will probably be the first time you meet recruiters face-to-face, so it is very...
Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2015 – The Winners!
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2015. The scholarship programme was first launched in the US and Canada in 2009, and successfully expanded in to Europe in 2010. As part of its ongoing commitment...
EmployAbility’s Tab Ahmad on BBC’s Daily Politics and BBC Radio London discussing barriers to work
The media furore surrounding Lord Freud’s comments on disabled people in the work place has clearly touched a nerve in the public conscience. Tab Ahmad, EmployAbility's Founder and Managing Director joined the debate on the BBC2's Daily Politics to discuss the topic...
Congratulations to this year’s Google EMEA Students with Disabilities Scholars – April 2014
We are delighted to announce the winners of the Google EMEA Students with Disabilities Scholarships 2014. Google, in partnershhip with EmployAbility, as part of their ongoing commitment to advancing computing and technology, provide scholarships to encourage disabled students to excel in their studies and become active role models and leaders.
EmployAbility’s Tab Ahmad has won the Asian Women of Achievement Award!
We are extremely proud to announce that EmployAbility’s Founder and Managing Director Tab Ahmad has won the prestigious Asian Women of Achievement Award! The Awards, held at the Hilton London on Park Lane on Wednesday 15th May,...
EmployAbility’s Managing Director shortlisted for an Asian Woman of Achievement Award!
EmployAbility is delighted to announce that our Managing Director, Tab Ahmad, has been shortlisted for a prestigious Asian Women of Achievement Award from the hundreds of applicants that were nominated. The Awards were first established fourteen years ago to recognise...
EmployAbility’s Tab Ahmad quoted in HR Magazine about Google Diversity Initiatives
A recent piece in HR MJagazine highlighted the launch of Google's new diversity initiatives. Their Head of Diversity and Inclusion believes that activities should focus on the talent pipeline rather than a short term gain. As part of the launch, he talked...
European Diversity Awards 2011 – EmployAbility shortlisted
EmployAbility have been shortlisted in the Société Générale “Charity of the Year” category of the European Diversity Awards 2011.
The Financial Times writes about Employability: How to spread the jobs net wider
The article quotes Tab Ahmad, Managing Director & Founder of EmployAbility, who highlighted the benefits of recruiting from the widest pool of talent to create more diverse teams, which produce more innovative solutions. The piece also mentions the barriers that disabled job applicants face, which many employers are unaware of.
The complete article can be viewed on the FT website http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/86e38e22-9095-11e0-9531-00144feab49a.html#ixzz1OnJ2Pj9o
Equality in Higher Education
A recent report published by the Equality Challenge Unit, gives an encouraging insight into the progress being made by higher education institutions over recent years with regard to equality legislation and best practice. The number of staff and students who feel able...
EmployAbility – Best Graduate Partner 2010!
EmployAbility win the National Graduate Recruitment Awards 2010 in the Best Graduate Recruitment Partner category. Other participants in the awards included; Sainsbury's, L'Oreal, Pareto Law amongst others. This award was given to EmployAbility for the successful work...
Tab Ahmad’s interview on the BBC
Tab Ahmad, Founder & Managing Director of EmployAbility, was interviewed on the BBC’s Working Lunch programme on 21st April 2010
HSBC Start-up Star Awards Finalist
The Start-Up Stars awards national finalists were announced on Tuesday, 6 October. EmployAbility is a finalist. And we’re thrilled!